Tuesday, 9 December 2014


A- abert's towhee
B-black bird
E-eastern meadowlark
I-ivory bird
J-juinper bird
L-least tern
M-marsh wren
N-northern cardinal
U-upland sandpiper
W-western bluebird
Y-yellow warbler
Z-zone tailed hawk

Monday, 24 November 2014

The surprise birds

Today room 2 had a man called Geoff come into our classroom. He brought pigeon's. When he finihsed telling us about 5 pigeon's he let us go out side with them. He even asked Miss Thiele if she could pick 1 person to open the box that they were in and Miss Thiele picked Kaiona. He got a big fright when he opened it.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

T4W2 Reflection

What: Guess what room 2 did on Tuesday.Room 2 strolled to badminton. Guess what room 2 did on Wednesday we learnt about endangered animals.

So What:What I learnt in badminton is that you need to hold the bat a certain way.What I learnt about endangered animals is that they might become extinct.

Now What:What I want to catch up on next week is to play the real game of badminton.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Thursday, 16 October 2014

my world cloud

all about me form

T4W1 reflection

what: Guess what room 2 did on Monday room 2 did a monstrous snowball fight.On Tuesday room 2 blew up some bubbles.

So What: What I learnt about a snowball fight is you need to throw paper balls at people but not hard. When we did the bubbles we had to follow the bubbles with our eyes.

Now What:My goal next week is to catch up on my dancing for jump jam.

Yay room 2 is back in their new classroom!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Super day.

super day

Guess what room 2 did on Thursday! Room 2 looked at other websites because room 1, 3, 5 and 15 were in our classroom. The websites that I learnt were button bass and shape fold. Mrs Stedman taught us a little website that she found. That websites name is electricity Interactive. If you want to search up these sites you can.After we had finish that  we watched a movie called robots. Guess what we did after we watched the movie...we made our own robots.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

What i did at school.

My blog post.
At Carlton School room 2 played with Ryleigh J's Frisbee after morning tea. Every person in room 2 was lucky enough to have an exciting turn of the Frisbee. The Frisbee is hard and monstrous and blue. I was so lucky that I had a turn but Miss Thiele had 5 turns! At least I did get a turn.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

T3W8 Quick write

Quick Write - T3W8
On Friday Room 2 tried to make a little light bulb go. My group had to use a little light bulb holder to put the light in side of the hole. We also had to use a battery charger. With the battery charger we had to put same batteries in it. In the charger there were wires in it so we put the wires on top of the metal bit. I felt excited doing this challenge. How would you feel if you did the challenge?

Monday, 8 September 2014

T3W8 refltion

What:Guess what Room 2 did on Thursday! Room 2 made sheep for our calendar art. Guess what room 2 did on Tuesday! The whole school did cross country and I came 1st in my age group! On Thursday we strolled to the gym in Wanganui.

So What:What I learn’t about making my sheep is that you have to be really careful. What I learnt in cross country is that you have to run fast.

Now What:What I want to do next week is to finish all my contract tasks.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

My Reading Follow Up

W.A.L.T. Discuss the relationship between the text and pictures.

For our reading activity this week we had to draw a picture to match one sentence from our text. This is mine. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014


Today I have been exploring a new website called sumo paint.This is what I have created with our new website. 

Thursday, 7 August 2014

This is my art my work here is a pitcher

Reflection T3W3

What: Guess what room 2 did on Monday... we did art! On Tuesday we had P.E. with Mr Rivers. The game that we played was basketball. For art we are focusing on reflections. In basketball we are learning how to dribble.

So what: What I learnt about reflections. That they are the same on both side. A trick to make a good reflection is to put the paper together then cut it out.  In basketball I learnt how to dribble and how to shoot properly.

Now what: What I want to catch up on next week is my khan academy because this week I got most of my maths things done.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

T3W2 Reflection

T3W2 Reflection
What: On Thursday room 2 played tennis. On Tuesday we went rubbish duty around the school. On Wednesday we learnt about the Commonwealth games.

So What: What I learnt about in tennis is how to play tennis and to hit the tennis ball properly. On Tuesday when we looked for the rubbish around the school I found heaps of rubbish and my friends did too. On Wednesday we had to pick a country from the Commonwealth mine was Singapore.
Now What: My goal that I want to achieve is to work faster on the learning contract.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

T2W7 Reflection.

What: On Monday we had Zero Waste. On Tuesday we did Inquiry. On Wednesday we made flag bunting for the world cup.

So what: On Monday we learnt about reusing and I learnt that you make paper out of wood. In inquiry I did a Russian flag and every one else didn't do Russia because that is the country I am following.

Now what: My goal is to complete all my Maths Buddy tasks and complete all my Writing tasks.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Non fiction book's

Write 3 things you have learnt about any non-fiction text. This will be posted on your blog once you have completed, edited, and had it check by the teacher.

1.Non fiction texts are set in a real place and fiction texts are not.

2.Non fiction texts are real and fiction isn't real.

3.Non fiction has real information and fiction is made up so it doesn't have real information.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Dangerous Decibles

On Tuesday, Room 2 got to go in the library because Carlton School kids are learning about dangerous decibels. A lady named Tracey told us about danger disables. She told us to wear ear muffs when you are around noise. We got told to walk away if you you don’t have ear muffs.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Week 5 Reflection

What: In room 2 we are doing homework, maths and spelling city. 
So what: On Monday rRom 2 has been doing khan academy and spelling city.
now what: try to get all my literacy Contract tasks all finished.