Duffy Theatre
Today Carlton school was lucky enough to have the Duffy theatre. When the show started it started off with a little girl named Sienna that would always get detention's and she loved watching TV and always talked about sky TV.As soon as Duffy talked to her about books she started watching less TV and she did more reading.Her mum made Sienna a library card and she told sienna that when ever she gets a book out she needs to get her mum a book to.Sienna didn't know how to use her imagination until she started reading books when she didn't read books. She would get a detention because she would not finish her story's and she could only finish her story bye using her imagination. My favorite part of the Duffy theater was when Duffy tried talking Sienna into books but when Duffy asked her questions she would answer them by using TV things.
Wow Maz that's such a good story!