What a lovely day lets go girls' mum said I hoped in the glimmer'y creamy colored van my sister and i didn't know were we were going then we saw the wonderful HUNTERS PLAZA in papatoetoe, we strolled into the beautiful building it was so busy like a gorillas stomach after it ate. My Mum,sister and I grind so hard as we saw the big sale at K MART we ran as fast as the furious to the glittery pockadot clothes in k mart, we tried to keep a limit of money but we went over the limit there were lots of things like huge colorful books and fantastic shoes with bright colors oh you cant forget all the arts and crafts if you don't believe me the makeup was on the humongous Sale ever.My sister and I ran to all the glamorous cloths sparkly in our eyes I said to my sister 'if this was emoji world I would have the love heart in the eyes emoji' my sister agreed then we garbed lots I mean LOTS of clothes that sparkled everywhere we turned.IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!
you must of had fun at hunters plaza!