Sunday, 13 August 2017

Rutherford Juinor High sewing term 3 week 3

In term 3 rooms 14, 15 and 1/2 are going to Rutherford Junior High. Room 15 is learning Irish dancing and sewing. I'm doing sewing, first we drew a monster as big as a A4 peace of paper. Then we garbed our fabric. We had to fold it in half and we cut out our monster and we pined our monster on our fabric.Then we cut out our monster on the fabric. Then we used some scraps for our eyes and mouth some people were going to use buttons on there monsters. In Week 3 we got some decorations to put on our monster then we blanket sewed our eyes on our monster I have done my monsters face. Next week we are going to finish sewing our monster then we are going to stuff our monster with the fluff that goes in pillows. I cant wait util my monster is done.


  1. WOW!! I really like how you are persisting to try and cut with those sewers within your sowing

  2. That looks like fun but hard. I hope you had fun.
